
World Ocean Day catalyzes collective action for a healthy ocean and a stable climate.

On 8 June and throughout the year, we work in collaboration with youth leaders and a wide range of organizations.

Powered by the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council, we help unite and rally the world to protect and restore our blue planet! World Ocean Day supports collaborative conservation, working with its global network of youth leaders and 2,000+ organizations in 180 countries, and providing free and customizable resources.

Following a four-year petition  drive with our international partners, the United Nations officially recognized 8 June as World Ocean Day in 2008. 

"Embracing positive news isn't just a luxury; it's a conscious investment in our well-being. Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. In a world filled with challenges, it's essential to read uplifting stories that reshape our mindset and empower us to build a brighter future."

Desmond Tutu

Learn More About Us

Mission and History

World Ocean Day catalyzes collective action for a healthy ocean and a stable climate, working in collaboration with youth leaders and a wide range of organizations.

Action Theme

We face one of the greatest threats ever to our blue planet and all its inhabitants: the climate crisis.

Annual Reports

Check out the Annual Reports to learn more about how you can get involved!

Our Core Team

John Doe

John Doe


John Doe

John Doe


John Doe

John Doe


John Doe

John Doe


John Doe

John Doe


John Doe

John Doe


Youth Advisory Council

The Youth Advisory Council helps develop World Ocean Day as a unique opportunity to connect and unite youth and others from all sectors for collective ocean and climate action throughout the year. Council members and alumni now number approximately 140 from 60 countries.

Check out our extended team