Living sustainably in harmony with nature as there is only one earth.
What can we do to protect it???
As the past years have shown us, we need to work together to create a new balance with the environment as well as the ocean that no longer depletes its bounty but instead restores its vibrancy and brings it new life.
Let’s go together towards sustainable solution…. celebrate the World Environment Day & World Ocean Day, with us….through art.
We along with Novotel World Trade Center, Dubai, are pleased to announce the mega art event “Only One Earth to Revitalize”
It will not be just an art exhibition, there will be Art talk on connecting sustainability & art, Seminars bringing youth on board as they are the future savior…. Sustainable art workshops, Creating a permanent sustainable corner in the Hotel, & of course an art exhibition on the theme.
Date- 11 June – 20 June
Venue- Novotel World Trade Center