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Taking care of the ocean and the planet: intervention with children

24 June, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm -03

The event will take place in two days in a municipal school, in São Paulo – Brazil, the first day will be on June 2nd and the second day on June 24th. The event will serve 100 children from 3 to 5 years of age and will bring to school students interaction and awareness activities about the care of the ocean and the problem of garbage in the sea, the program will feature storytelling about the problem of garbage; group activities (memory game, coloring); songs about the environment for dancing; Dynamics of the sea: Disputing who removes the most garbage from the sea.


24 June, 2022
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Categories:
, ,
i dont have yet!


Escola Municipal Lilian Aparecida Borges Prado
R. Jaime Lino dos Santos, 320 - Savoy
Itanhaém, Sao Paulo 11740-000 Brazil
+ Google Map


Contact Name
Nathany Roberta Herrera Aguiar
Contact Email Address
Affiliation: Name of the organization, school, or business associated with the event
Ecosurf Institute
Is your event or activity (check of all that apply)
Taking place in person, Youth-oriented (25 years or younger), Incorporating the “30x30” theme
Full address (used to place your event on the map. For virtual events, write "virtual")
Rua Jaime Lino dos Santos, 320 - Savoy, Itanhaém - SP, 11740-000 Brasil
Name of venue (if applicable)
Escola Municipal Lilian Aparecida Borges Prado
Image source (provide a name or source to be credited when photo is used)
Nathany Herrera