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Pupils and teachers of the Chýnov Primary School, The Czech Republic, invite you to a small exhibition with a lecture about our Erasmus+ project “Water for us – we for water”. This event will take place in the local library of Chýnov from 6 June to 8 June. With this event we would like to join the celebration of Word Ocens Day for the third time. We will guide you through our three-year project focusing on WATER and its importance in our lives. Our teachers, years ago, were inspired to create our project by World Oceans Day organization. Therefore, among many other events, celebrating World Oceans Day was an automatic part of our international project in which, besides our school, four other schools from Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovakia are involved. Our project is coming to an end, but the celebration of World Oceans Day will remain part of our annual school events. Learn more here.