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IMMC will be with its stand – with the Mini Museum of the Sea and Marine ‘Trash’ – showing people the importance of not dumping trash in the streets, squares and on the beach. A beach cleaning will also be carried out with the participation of students from municipal schools who are carrying out the monitoring program this year, in addition to the volunteers who are supporting the activity.
It is important to emphasize how each one’s lifestyle makes a difference for marine life and for the visitors of this environment. Therefore, it is essential to carry out actions like this one to draw the population’s attention to the causes and effects that the ocean has been suffering and that have worsened in recent years.
Together with the IMMC team, representatives of:
– ACIG – Associação Empresarial de Garopaba;
– COMTUR – Conselho Municipal de Turismo de Garopaba;
– Garopaba Sustentável – organização de preservação ambiental;
– Mais Amor, Menos Bitucas, Por Favor! da Pinta Artes Gráficas;
– ONG Ser Humano Surf;
– Escolas Municipais – Prefeitura Municipal de Garopaba;
– outros parceiros que poderão ser convidados ao longo do ano.