Get Up to Speed on World Ocean Day

Read below for the latest resources and updates for World Ocean Day and prepare for 8 June, that week, the ocean month of June and beyond!

  • Drop the S! World Ocean Day is now singular! Read more about this change and the direct connection with the ocean literacy movement here.
    • Download the new (singular) World Ocean Day logo, which is free to use and add to your resources!
  • The 2021 Conservation Action Focus  supports the growing global movement to protect at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030 for a healthy ocean and climate. Learn more here.
  • The 2021 Event Planning Toolkit is available for both in-person and virtual activities and celebrations.
  • For tips on how to engage youth in conservation action, read this blog post by World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council member Ee Jenn Lee, from Malaysia.
  • Save the Date:The 2021 Youth-a-thon is happening 5-6 June! This 24-hour livestream event led and produced by youth allows young people around the world the opportunity to learn more about conservation efforts and join the movement to take action to protect our shared ocean.
  • Plan your social media outreach using the new Social Media Toolkit, complete with graphics, badges, and sample posts for World Ocean Day!

To stay up to date as we announce new resources and opportunities, subscribe to our mailing list here.

Check out how the world is celebrating World Ocean Day this year! (both in person and online)