2025 In’s and Out’s, According to the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council

2024 was a year that taught us a lot, and the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council is looking forward to everything that 2025 will bring. There will, of course, be lots of both ups and downs. But as long as we can stay centered, we’ll be able to accomplish anything we put our minds to!

Here is what the 2024-2025 Youth Advisory Council cohort hopes to leave behind, and what they’re going to be focused on in the new year.

Tariq, 18, Nigeria:

Ins: Going out of my comfort zone, learning niche stuff, more collaborations with other changemakers, partying, and less phone usage.

Outs: Internalized capitalism, fear and anxiety, trying to take the easy route, procrastination, and toning down my creative work to be more relatable and palatable.

Dekota, 22, Australia:

Ins: Admitting when I don’t know something and asking for help, leaning into creativity, having the hard conversations, building a tribe.

Outs: Not trying because of fear, not prioritising rest, not doing the fun stuff too.

Thomas, 17, Brazil:

Ins: Being more assertive and confident while speaking, allowing creativity to flourish in a strict environment, and leaning on others to learn new things.

Outs: Panicking about the future and leaving the present pass by unnoticed, not acting because of fear, procrastinating, and not properly resting.


Lily, 16, Canada:

Ins: Learning to trust myself, feeling confident about the work I do, trusting others, and appreciating my friends and the amazing people around me.

Outs: Forgetting to take breaks, missing out on time in nature, and neglecting the things I love (like taking time for myself, my family, and my friends) that help build my passion because of work. 

Xinara, 20, Barbados:

Ins: Being more consistent with the things I do and want to achieve. Being more confident in my work and the fact that I am capable of achieving my long term goals.

Outs: Worrying about the future and things I can’t control. Comparison. Allowing people to make me feel like I am not a capable person. Fear of not knowing.

Shanzay, 21, Pakistan:

Ins: Underconsumption, ⁠finding joy in the mundane, digital detoxes, daily gratitude, ⁠intentionality.

Outs: Doomscrolling, ⁠instant gratification, complaining, ⁠fast fashion and micro trends, lack of down time, constant comparisons