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The Planet Prodigy (TPP) is excited to announce our very first fundraising activity : Make-It-A-Habit Walkathon!
Make-It-A-Habit is a walkathon aimed for students to adapt themselves to walking as an alternative! It is a fun, flexible activity that can burn calories and help save the environment simultaneously! We welcome everyone to participate in this activity.
The event will be held from Saturday, 14th May 2022 – Friday, 20th May 2022.
The fee acquired is RM 22.00 and you will get an e-certificate along with our exclusive TPP tote bag!
Register now at :
Registration closes on Friday, 6th May 2022.
We believe that every little step taken is a progress and should be embraced. Come join us and become the agent of change and tackle this problem together.
For further inquiries, please contact :
– Emirul (011-1431 3590)
– Karyna (018-978 4249)