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National Oceanography Centre Ocean Open Day

8 June, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm BST


In celebration of World Ocean Day (8 June), the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) Southampton is delighted to be opening the doors to ocean enthusiasts of all ages for its annual free open day.

Through the first in-person NOC open day since 2019, attendees will have the chance to discover the latest in the fascinating world of ocean science through hands-on exhibits, talks, and displays. From outer space to the deep ocean, the packed open day programme will celebrate the people, projects and communities engaged in oceanography, giving a new appreciation for our planet’s most mysterious and vital ecosystem.

Meet the minds behind ocean scientific breakthroughs and cutting-edge tech innovations, who work to understand some of the biggest issues facing our ocean including climate change, pollution and habitat loss.

Coinciding with the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, the open day will also include a special tidal science demonstration, allowing attendees to delve into the legacy of expertise that forecasted the tides for the historic landings, a moment considered a turning point for modern oceanography.


National Oceanography Centre
+44 (0)300 131 2321
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National Oceanography Centre
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National Oceanography Centre
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European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH
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National Oceanography Centre
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National Oceanography Centre


national oceanography centre
European Way
Southampton, Hampshire SO14 3ZH United Kingdom
+ Google Map
+44 (0)300 131 2321
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