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7th annual Our Ocean Conference (Palau)

The Republic of Palau and the United States will co-host the 7th Our Ocean Conference on April 13-14, 2022. The Conference will be a key moment for countries, civil society, and industry to commit to concrete and significant actions to protect the ocean. Throughout the six previous conferences, participants have made more than 1,400 commitments […]

iLab Conservation Fundraising

Will you be an environmentalist this year? 3.8 billion years ago, the origin of life is from ocean, and ocean covers 71% of the surface of earth. @ilab101 supports marine conservation and coral protection with 1% of sales every year. Let's return 1% to the ocean together, whatever your 1% resources, 1% enthusiasm, or 1% time. […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Soft Launch of the Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP)

The Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP) is going to be launched on the World Ocean Day (8 June 2022).   BCOLP is a non-profit, non-partisan forum for education, research and training on ocean law and policy, focusing on Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal. BCOLP aims to generate debates and discussions on […]

Crush The Kilometres And Help Make A Difference This World Ocean Day

Now, adidas is inviting runners everywhere to take those runners high to new heights in a bid to clean up our oceans. An estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enter the world’s oceans every year, and by 2050 scientists predict that there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. In response to this news, adidas […]

Water Day – The St. Lawrence: Protecting its Lives

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  This event brings together artists, activists, and academics to  discuss protecting the St. Lawrence River and its ecosystems. How would recognizing the river as a legal person favour  better management of its waters? Brazil’s Raimunda Gomes  da Silva, a leader in the fight for workers’ rights and environ mental conversation in the Amazon rainforest, will […]

June – Ocean Month in the Swakopmund Museum

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The French research schooner Tara stops in Walvis Bay from 1st – 6th June for an outreach stopover about the Ocean. The Tara Ocean Foundation is a French scientific foundation that works for the preservation of the ocean. The laboratory ship left South Africa to carry out a study of the Benguela current. During its […]

Pick-up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is a major factor when it comes to seabird populations and penguins are no strangers to marine debris. Penguins International is calling penguin lovers to take […]

#ForPlanetOcean Art Challenge

FASCINATING MARINE CREATURES📣 Prompt 1 is nearly here - 1st June Save The Date! The first year of the #ForPlanetOcean art challenge is here, and I am very excited to be hosting along with some other incredible like minded artists! This year we are partnering with @cleanmiamibeach who are pledging to collect 1500lbs of trash to coincide with this […]

Library Event Series: Océan21

Bibliothèque Raoul Mille 33, av Malausséna, 06200 Nice, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes département, France

Océan21 pour faire découvrir à travers animations pour le jeune public, conférences, conférences, débats, projections, expositions de photos …  le patrimoine naturel et culturel marin et sensibiliser le public aux enjeux de la biodiversité marine et à la préservation de ce patrimoine invisible. Organisé par la bibliothèque municipale de Nice avec les services Archéologie et […]

RfP-IYCF Ocean Day Artwork

RELIGIONS FOR PEACE Interfaith Youth Climate Forum celebrates United Nations World Oceans Day on 8 June 2022. Calling All Creative Youth at Schools (Grade R to Grade 7) for Artwork Submissions. Prizes and Certificates to be won! Closing Date 30 June 2022. Theme: Revitalization, Collective Action for the Ocean The ocean is the heart of […]

World Oceans Week with Parley

With World Oceans Day just around the corner our global teams have been busy prepping an unprecedented series of actions – ranging from coastal habitat restoration in Hawai'i to nurdle hunting in Seychelles Find an event near you and join the crew today here.

Article: In the Name of Dear and Precious Ocean, by Mr Güntürk Üstün

I am Mr Güntürk Üstün, a medical doctor and an unknown poet-writer (who published 10 books of poetry so far plus thousands of comments written in Turkish-French-English on the web about the maritime and railroad transport). I have just written (in French) and published a short article on the Paris-France based renowned "Lettre Du Cheminot" […]

Coastal Cleanup Drive

Kotkoton Kotkoton, Arpili, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines

Actions for Future is an independent organization in our municipality inspired by the Fridays for Future movement.  Our goal is to protect and restore the nature. As part of our commitment to promote advocacy on climate change within our community, we have identified as part of our community service the conduct of a coastal clean-up […]

Divers for Climate World Oceans Week Webinar Series

With World Oceans Day just around the corner, we are excited to announce our World Oceans Week Webinar Series! We had such an amazing response last year – so we’ve decided to do it again. Our team has been working hard over the last few weeks to put together an incredible series of ocean-climate talks […]

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants – COCO STUDIO

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants - COCO STUDIO is an online movement launched by Chinese influencer Coco Studio. The event aims to encourage everyone to start from the small things around them, so that more people can understand the importance of the ocean, in order to love and protect the ocean. The participation of this […]

Capitol Hill Ocean Week

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC, United States

In 1972, the United States enacted a wave of landmark legislation to protect and sustain the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes, including the amendments to the Clean Water Act, the Marine Mammal Act Protection Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. These Acts fundamentally changed how the United […]

Exploring the Marine – Professor Luiz Saldanha

Sesimbra Portugal Sesimbra Portugal, Portugal

On the 7th of june 2022 we travelled roughly 40km to take part in an activity that consisted of exploring a marine park in Sesimbra, Portugal. The marine park was created in 1998 and 2000 marine species can be admired in the 53km that covers the length of the park. Groups of two rode on […]

A Remarkable Journey to Highlight Plastic Pollution in The Ocean with Erden Eruç

The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (status#501-c-3, 2001, New York), in collaboration with, the Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC), jointly is proud to announce the following Ocean Day (8 June, A/RES/63/111) virtual panel on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The panel will highlight “A Remarkable Journey” by Erden Eruç, Ocean Ambassador, Ocean Recovery Alliance on the ever-increasing […]

Session on Ocean Governance in Iran on the occasion of the World Oceans day

The session on Ocean Governance in Iran was held on 7 June 2022 in an online modality on the occasion of World Oceans Day with the presence of Iranian marine scientists, political experts, university professors, and students. The speakers were Iranian university professors specializing in politics, Ocean Governance, Political Geography, and the Law of the […]

Bioemprendimientos desde los Océanos

Malecon de Salinas. Sector "Las Palmeras" Malecon de Salinas. Sector "Las Palmeras". Santa Elena., Salinas, Ecuador

Por celebrarse el 8 de junio el Día Mundial de los Océanos, la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena (UPSE) con la colaboración del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado GAD Municipal del cantón Salinas y la Prefectura de Santa Elena; se unen para celebrar nuestros océanos el 7 de junio mediante un evento presencial, tipo feria titulado […]

World Ocean Day Webinar

A 2 hours virtual event to engage the participants from any part of the world on the need to promote collective actions for safeguarding our ocean. Event focus: 1. Revitalising the ocean: What new life does the ocean deserve 2. Conservative actions for our ocean 3. 30x30: a pathway to revitalise our ocean 4. Community […]

Poolewe and Bualnlauib’s World Ocean Day

Bualnaluib Primary Bualnaluib Primary, Aultbea, Achnasheen, United Kingdom

30×30” theme:  Protecting 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 is this year’s Conservation Action Focus.  Discuss how we can protect 30% by 2030? What can we pledge to do as a school and as individuals?   Our children will imagine they are an ocean animal for a day. They will answer […]

AIS Forum: Ocean Awareness Mural Painting

University of Mauritius Reduit MU, 80837, Mauritius, Mauritius

The Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS Forum) was initiated in 2017 as a platform to bring together 47 archipelagic and island states to collaborate on the following four thematic areas of cooperation: i) climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster management; ii) the blue economy; iii) marine plastic debris; and iv) good maritime governance. […]

Wear Blue for World Ocean Day!

Adelaide Scuba 3 Cygnet Ct, Glenelg North SA 5045, Australia

Even when at home you can still celebrate the ocean and help ocean animals have a safe home! Get ready for #WorldOceanDay by joining with @AdelaideScuba to protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030. Wear Blue on June the 8th in support of World Ocean Day and Sign in support […]

The Beach Collective: Beach Action Launch

Take Action: Earn $BEACH On World Oceans Day (8th June), The Beach Collective are proud to launch Beach Action. Combining the power of direct action and the power of social media, Beach Action is a social platform which rewards people for taking direct climate action. Whether it’s picking up litter from the beach, growing your […]

Progetto di Citizen Science: L’uso del Mare in Penisola Sorrentina

Terrazza Blue Cheri a Marina di Cassano - Sorrento (NA) Via Marina di Cassano, 42, 80063 Piano di Sorrento NA, Italy, Italy

Mercoledì 8 giugno ore 19 – Terrazza Blue Cheri a Piano di Sorrento, presentazione del progetto con proiezione di un video clip sul paesaggio marino costiero Il progetto di Citizen Scienze, raccolta di dati ambientali nell’area marino costiera della Penisola Sorrentina, è ideato e coordinato dai ricercatori del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - ISMAR […]

Océan21 – La pollution plastique Round Table

Port de Nice 4 Quai Amiral Infernet, 06300 Nice, France, Nice, France

OCEAN21 Tables rondes autour de la pollution pastique des océans.  14H15-15H       CARACTERISATION DE LA POLLUTION PLASTIQUE Les différents types de plastique qui occupent notre quotidien et les modes de fabrication qui causent leur écotoxicité. Avec Patrick Navard, Directeur de recherche émérite CNRS,  spécialiste des  matières plastiques, coordinateur d'un projet ANR sur la sécurité des plastiques […]

Podcast on Call for 30×30 goal

The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads—end up in the oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute. Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of […]

Webinar: World Ocean Day, What can we do?

World Ocean Day-Jun 8 2022 PandaDumnam.com together with EJF Foundation and ANURA  are welcome you to the On-line Event Blue Ocean On-Line Class & Talks, in the following topics: - Blue Ocean Class: The Blue Carbon Initiatives - Net Free Seas - "Pak Samut" project by  ANURA Club: 1. Shore and sea debris management in […]

Podcast: Earth Cast EP21: World Ocean Day Special | Environmental Racism & Inclusivity

In this World Ocean Day special, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) interviews Jamila Janna about the nuances of environmental racism and how it affects inclusivity in the ocean space, the harmful effects of mainstream conservation narratives on environmental projects’ success, opportunities for youth in marine conservation, and more! Jamila is a filmmaker, social media strategist, and marine […]

Workshop: Dolphin Depredation 2

Viale Ruggero di Lauria Viale Ruggero di Lauria, 43, 95127 Catania CT, Italy, Italy

Marecamp co-organizes the 2nd "Depredation" workshop in the framework of the "Mitigating dolphin depredation in Mediterranean fisheries - Joining efforts for strengthening cetacean conservation and sustainable fisheries" project coordinated by ACCOBAMS and sustained by the MAVA Foundation. Scientists, marine resource managers, and fishers will jointly discuss their experiences on this topic and possible solutions. The […]

Free e-books for the World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day - 8 June Let's celebrate together! The e-books of Pesho and Popoto are free on 8-9-10 June!   The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke: http://mybook.to/peshobook   Popoto by Noemi Knight: https://lnkd.in/eHhSGU7X  

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

WaterBear x World Oceans Day

WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content - spanning biodiversity, community, climate action and sustainable fashion. WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future […]

World Ocean Day’22 Clean up Fiesta, Akure.

Federal University of Technology Akure Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria

This is a 2 hours events to involve residents of Akure, Ondo state (one of the coastal states in Nigeria), in cleaning up plastics and other wastes discarded improperly around The Federal University of Technology, Akure community. This event also aims to brief the participants on how they can promote the 30x30 conservation action focus […]

Ocean ARTivism with The Oceanic Project

Tamarin Hotel Tamarin Bay, Royal Road Tamarin, Mauritius

On World Ocean Day, The Oceanic Project in collaboration with Veranda Tamarin Hotel, Mauritius, are organising an ARTivism activity for the youth aged 8-18 years old. The aim is to raise awareness about ocean pollution through arts to inspire change and action. Check out the events photos here RSVP by emailing: mdodile@hotmail.com 

iLab Coral Guardian Fundraiser

Will you be the next #CORALGUARDIAN ? Coral is one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. Coral richness along the coast of Hainan Island has dropped by 80% in the past 30 years, and a large number of white coral fragments have appeared on the seafloor. Scan the QR code to join Coral Guardian will generate […]

World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS

Celebrate World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS this June 8! Starting around 8am we will be live on Facebook from Point Lobos State Natural Reserve to celebrate our one world ocean and our incredible California Watersheds! We will learn from State Park Interpreters around California as well as State Park divers UNDERWATER […]

Webinar: Tails from Two Cities

If you're interested in whales we've got a presentation for you:  Free webinar with experts from both coasts...Boston and San Diego! Should be a fun discussion Learn more here

Traditional Knowledge Panel- Dalhousie University

Happy Oceans Month!   Celebrate with us on World Oceans Day, Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, with a virtual panel discussing Traditional Knowledge. Hear from panelists: Cathy Martin, Dalhousie University Olivia Choi, Council of Haida Nation Lindsay Marshall, Highland National Park Raven Stephens Elwell, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Lydia Ross, Parks Canada Alanna Syliboy, Mi’kmaw Conservation […]

Webinar: Protecting the big blue

Join us on World Ocean Day for a live lesson by Blue Marine's project and education team on Protecting the Big Blue! Tune in at 10am on June 8 and learn about how to effectively protect our ocean and marine protected areas  We can't wait to see you there!  Make sure to head over to […]

Blue Marine Foundation World Ocean Day Podcast

Catch UN Patron of the Oceans, Lewis Pugh, in conversation with Blue Marine executive director, Charles Clover, about the upcoming publication of Charles’s book, Rewilding the Sea on June 8. More details to come  Don't forget you can pre-order Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans today: link in bio.

Ocean #RecipeOfTheWeek Series

During this month long series, we will share seafood recipes inspired from the species harvested in our Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) labs, promoting sustainable food and circularity across the Atlantic Ocean. Follow us to make sure you do not miss any recipes! Twitter  Linkedin Facebook The ASTRAL project has received funding from the European Union’s […]

Stop the Fish Meltdown

Place des Nations Pl. des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

On World Ocean Day 2022, the Stop Funding Overfishing Coalition representing leading non-governmental organization (NGOs) will place an installation of an ice sculpture in the shape of a fish at Place des Nations to underline the urgent need to reach an agreement at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to curb one of the key drivers of overfishing […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Cornwall Change Makers Initiative Launch

Here at Clean Cornwall we are proud to announce that we will be officially launching our Change Makers initiative on the 8th of June. This scheme will allow local businesses and organizations to show their support for the environmental work that we do here at Clean Cornwall, and to evidence their social and corporate responsibility […]

A proposed new coastal law for Chile. Coastal governance for Chile and its implications.

This Wednesday, we commemorate #WorldOceansDay with the International Seminar “A Proposed New Coastal Law for Chile. Coastal Governance for Chile and its implications”. At the event, the proposed preliminary draft of the Coastal Law will be presented, which seeks to protect coastal marine ecosystems and promote sustainable development of coastal areas, in accordance with the needs and […]

7oceans Press Conference

Haurs des Meeres Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, 1060 Wien, Austria, Austria

Christian Redl, world-record-holder in freediving and founder of the association "7oceans - for the love of the oceans" is organising a press conference to present the project on World Ocean Day. Learn more here

United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) virtual broadcast

​​This year’s United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, will highlight the theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. This is the first hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all. Yet its health is at […]

World Ocean Day Celebration at the Greensboro Science Center

Greensboro Science Center 4301 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro, NC 27455-1899, Greensboro, NC, United States

World Ocean Day, June 8th, is an internationally celebrated day for people everywhere to unite, celebrate and take action for our shared blue planet. This annual event at the Greensboro Science Center for guests of all ages focuses on celebrating the wonders of the ocean, our connectedness with the ocean, and how we can all […]

Project Kolika’s World Ocean Day

OB Beach, San Diego 1910 Abbott St, San Diego, CA, United States

We're hosting an educational booth at the OB beach in San Diego, California! Come stop by sign the 30 x 30 petition and learn about ways to take better care of our ocean and planet all year long. Learn more here More about Project Kolika - "Be a protector."  Our mission: At Project Kolika, we […]

World Ocean Day at Lehigh Valley Zoo

Lehigh Valley Zoo 5150 Game Preserve Road, Schnecksville, PA 18078, Schnecksville, PA, United States

On June 8, 2022 from 10 am to 4 pm, the Lehigh Valley Zoo along with countless other zoos and aquariums around the world will be celebrating World Ocean Day! Because protecting our ocean is a community effort, we have invited local organizations to help celebrate with us and to help educate our guests about […]

Panel: Using ocean and environmental data to address socio-economic challenges

Panel discussion organized by The Oceanography Society (TOS) Panelists: Payal Parekh, James Watson Synopsis: Since the later part of the 20th century, advances in technology have made it feasible to acquire, store and process several terabytes of complex data. A data-driven approach to Oceanography and Environmental Science has been critical to better understand Earth’s climate […]

Thanet Coast Project – Viking Bay, Broadstairs

Victoria Gardens Viking Bay, Broadstairs, Kent, United Kingdom

Meet and Greet - World Ocean Day pledges. The Thanet Coast Project will have a outdoor display where local people and visitors can meet volunteers and staff about how they can help and make a pledge to what they can do for the coast and marine environment around the Thanet Coast - on World Ocean […]

Stop Deep Sea Mining Rally

Jack Poole Plaza 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3, Canada, Vancouver, Canada

On World Oceans Day, join us to stand up for the ocean! Stop deep sea mining! We will gather at 1055 Canada Place, Jack Poole Plaza. There will be speakers + information.   Learn about deep sea mining: Deep Sea Mining Video Learn more about Deep Sea Defenders   Learn more about the event here

UN Brussels Celebration of World Ocean Day: Leveraging partnerships towards the 2022 UN Ocean Conference

FAO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO and UNODC are joining forces to bring together the European Commission, European Parliamentarians and representatives from the European Economic and Social Committee and the Organization of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). The event will provide a forum for exchanges, focusing on partnerships and joint advocacy while maintaining the momentum on […]

Waste Recycling and the Big Blue Ocean

This year's United Nations World Ocean Day is on the 8th June and the central theme is collective action. We have all seen the photos of turtles eating plastic and seals getting strangled and we know something must be done urgently to resolve this. In this webinar, we will dive deeper and explore what throwaway […]

Wednesday Workshop: Caring for Our Oceans at Lafayette Public Library

The West Lafayette Public Library 208 W Columbia St. West Lafayette, Indiana, West Lafayette, IN, United States

West Lafayette Public Library presents an Ocean of Possibilities summer reading program. On June 8, children are invited to the library to learn about keeping our oceans clean and to make upcycled crafts. A special presentation by the members of Confront the Climate Crisis to inspire environmental activism in others. Learn more here

Devotion to Our Ocean

Fillongley Beach Fillongley Park, Denman Island, Denman Island, British Columbia, Canada

A casual beach event to show our devotion to our ocean. After two long years, we look forward to visiting with ADIMS members and the Denman Island community. ADIMS will have a table for signing a new petition, as well as providing updates on our current projects. The ‘Otter Daughters’ will make an appearance for […]


CIHEAM Bari Via Ceglie, 9, 70010 Valenzano BA, Bari, Italy

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani, il prossimo 8 giugno l’Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione dell’Ambiente (ARPA Puglia) e il CIHEAM Bari presenteranno un evento che pone l’attenzione sull’indispensabile e fondamentale ruolo degli Oceani e dei Mari per la vita sulla terra. “Rivitalizzazione: azione collettiva per l'oceano” è il focus scelto quest’anno per celebrare la Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani […]

Oceans, Health, Environment, Sustainable Development – International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022)

International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022) Webinar Series Date & Timings : Wednesday, 08th Jun 2022, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM (IST GMT +05:30 INDIA) (Budhawara, Jyeshtha 23, Shukla Paksha, Ashtami, Saka Era 1944 Shubhakrit, Kaliyuga 5124) Commemorating Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav  (Nation Celebrating 75 Years of Independence) INDIA@75 […]

மீள் உயிரூட்டம்: ஆழிக்கான கூட்டிணைவுச் செயல்பாடு (Revitalization: Collective Action for The Ocean)

PUDHUVAI MUSEUM 70, VOC St, MG Road Area, Puducherry, 605001, India, Puducherry, India

Oceans, which cover most of the world, about 70%, provide us with oxygen and countless other resources. Studies on the sea are still ongoing. The nations of the world and India have developed and implemented a number of projects to help us learn about and protect the oceans. The Pudhuvai Museum, which has been raising […]

Save our Oceans from plastic SALE!

Black Mountain Beauty 9900 Echo Lakes Rd, Echo Lake, CA 95721, United States, CA, United States

We are having a 30 % SALE on all our plastic free alternative products at Blackmountainbeauty.com.  

Save the Whale and the Snail In the Irish Sea

Whitehaven Harbour Whitehaven Harbour, Bulwark Quay, Whitehaven, United Kingdom

A Rally to Celebrate and Protect the Whale and the Snail of the Irish Sea.  The rally will take place at Whitehaven Harbour with craft events, and exhibition showing the impacts of seismic testing upon the amazing creatures that call the Irish Sea home, from Minke Whales to Plankton.   All are invited to join […]

BLUE Excelerator Climate Startup Demonstrations

BLUE Excelerator Demo Day is the culmination of a 12-week startup accelerator program. 9 companies from 5 countries will be showcasing their company mission and climate problem they are working to solve. Learn more here

Panel: How ocean life and fisheries management impact the ocean’s capacity to mitigate climate change

Ending overfishing, shifting to low impact fisheries and recovering marine megafauna such as whales, restores biodiversity and the ecosystems they rely on, enhancing the climate resilience of the ocean. Healthy abundant marine biomass will also result in reductions in CO2 emissions from fishing fleets. Speakers:​ Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish​ Dr Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia​ […]

Workshop: The Faces of Ozone

Promotion of the environmental program 'Faces of ozone' On the sandy beaches of the island Korcula, the production of art installations 'Faces of Ozone' began on June 5, led by scientist PhD Ljiljana Zmijanovic. 'The' ozone faces 'disappearing in the first sea wave are designed to point to the transience and responsibility of man for […]

Chesham Bois Village Jubilee Fete

Chesham Bois Common Chesham Bois Common, North Road, Amersham, Amersham, United Kingdom

Plant-Based 4 Good will be highlighting plastic pollution from the fishing industry. With an estimated 650,000 marine animals killed annually by “ghost gear” (abandoned fishing gear), we’ll show you what we can all do to make a difference. Come and try a tuna-free sandwich and see how you can get omega-3 in your diet without endangering […]

Planetary Health: Play activities with children of the “Acts of a Winner Project”, conserving our oceans.

Projeto Atos de Um Vencedor Rua Jara, 130 - Bairro Jardim Canguru - Campo Grande/MS, Brazil

The event will take place on June 13, 2022, at the "Atos de um Vencedor Project" in Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. The event will attend 70 children and teenagers from 5 to 13 years old, with interaction and awareness activities about ocean care and the problem of litter in the […]

Collective Action for the Arafura and Timor Seas

Coral reefs, fish populations, a quarter of the world's mangroves, seagrass beds, large marine wildlife, shorebirds, and seabirds all thrive in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) area. As a result, this region offers essential ecosystem services to communities surrounding the ATS, while also contributing to global economic and ecological well-being. The theme of this […]

Jervis Bay World Oceans Day

Jervis Bay Brewing Co 3 Duranbah drive, Huskisson, NSW, Australia

Save the Oceans by using the ocean's bounty - wisely What you can do for the ocean while the ocean does things for you To celebrate, PhycoHealth will once again join our local partners in blue, South Coast Mariculture and Jervis Bay Brewery, to do what we can to raise awareness while having fun. Did […]

Toxic Waters Screening at European Parliament

European Parliament Rue Wiertz, 60, Brussels, Belgium

Join us Wednesday 15 June at 5.45pm at the European Parliament  To mark Ocean Week 2022 and World Ocean Day 2022, join us on Wednesday 15 June at 5.45pm at the European Parliament (Spinelli entrance, rue wiertz) in Brussels for the FREE screening of a series of short documentaries on 2 examples of ongoing pollution […]

Behind UV Filters

Surfrider Foundation Europe headquarters 64 allée du Moura, Biarritz, France

BEHIND UV FILTERS : A conference on sunscreens, our Health and our Ocean We have the pleasure of inviting you to a European conference : « Behind UV Filters » focused on sun creams on Thursday, 16th of June at 6-8pm CET in Biarritz and remotely! The conference will be in French and English.   […]

UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon

The UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, kicks off next week from June 27-July 1. To mobilize action, the Conference will seek to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 14. US Leaders from Congress […]

Public Screening – “Chasing Coral” Film

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The Scientific Society Swakopmund invites you to a public screening of the film “Chasing Coral”. The event will take place on 28 June at 18:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. The entrance is free, donations welcome. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why corals are vanishing […]


Yacht Club de Monaco Quai Louis II, Monaco

The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge is a competition uniting yachting projects around zero emission propulsion and sustainability. The event gathers teams participating in the races & the industry taking part in the exhibition and conferences resulting in a Sustainability Hub at the heart of the Yacht Club de Monaco. University Teams and professionals challenged on […]