Action: Celebrate World Ocean Day!

This Month's Focus: The Ocean X Climate Connection

Happy World Ocean Month!

World Ocean Day catalyzes collective action for a healthy ocean and a stable climate. Powered by the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council, World Ocean Day helps unite and rally the world to protect and restore our blue planet on the 8th of June! The movement supports collaborative conservation, working with its global network of youth leaders and 2,000+ organizations in 150+ countries, and providing free and customizable promotional and actionable resources.

This month, we encourage you to join with others around the world to help with three especially important opportunities for ocean conservation action. Remember that ocean action IS climate action, and your voice matters in shaping a sustainable future for our blue planet!

Have 3 minutes to help in 3 big ways for the ocean?

  1. Protect the High Seas. 60 countries need to ratify the High Seas Treaty to have it take effect and start to protect our world ocean. Urge your country’s leaders to do so as soon as possible!

  2. Demand a STRONG Global Plastics TreatyHelp make history by helping to turn off the fossil fuel tap that produces the single-use plastic and causes so much harm. Tell your national leaders to take action now to protect human health and the diversity of life on our blue planet. 
  3. Defend the DeepCall on your government to support a moratorium on destructive deep-sea mining. The health of our ocean and future generations depend on it.

Have one more minute?

  1. Celebrate World Ocean Day on social media! We made it super easy for you with a toolkit, graphics and even suggested captions. 

P.S. Don’t forget to drop the S  



World Ocean Day is more than a day, it's a movement.

Celebrate every day with us and take part in all 12 months of action for our blue planet!