This Month's Focus: Ocean & Climate Literacy

Action: Explore the ocean & climate connections

Ocean action = climate action

A healthy world ocean is crucial to stabilize our climate. The ocean’s ability to store and release heat slowly helps maintain a more balanced climate on Earth, making life possible. The ocean acts as our planet’s largest heat sink and has been absorbing a vast amount of excess heat from the burning of fossil fuels for many years. But our world ocean is heating up far too quickly and we need to take collective action now. Each month this year we will provide ways for you to help our world ocean, and our shared climate, together.

For January, take 3 minutes and learn something new about the ocean & climate connections and then share with a friend.   

We even collected a list of resources to start:
  • The Climate Book – by Greta Thunberg, it is one of many great books to learn more and get inspired to take action! 
  • Regeneration – includes a wealth of resources, including Nexus, which explores solutions to the climate crisis and what can be done at all levels, including individual, community, classroom, city, company, and government. This link goes directly to ocean & climate connections.  
  • The Revelator’s 30-day climate action plan– from a few years ago but still a relevant overview on ways to help. Written for a North American audience, much is applicable and will provide inspiration for people everywhere.    

Remember! Ocean literacy principle #1 is “the Earth has one big ocean with many features.” Remember to Drop the S!

World Ocean Day is more than a day, it's a movement.

It’s also a lifestyle, it’s a way of life, it’s a mindset, and together we are growing a movement! To help, we want to make it easy for you to make a big difference. Learn more about the 12 Months of Action by clicking here.