The Future is Now: Encouraging Civic Engagement Among Global Youth

Image: Surfers Against Sewage

2024 is a huge year for elections around the world, including these 25 particularly important ones. By the end of this year, over half of the world’s population will have the opportunity to vote in 72 countries. One of the biggest, the United States Presidential Election, is coming up in early November, which will have significant implications for the entire world. 

Your Vote Counts

If you live in a democracy, one of the most critical things you can do to support action towards a healthier future for the planet and all its inhabitants, is to vote! Youth especially have immense potential to help create the just and sustainable future we deserve. According to Tufts Circle, only half of youth ages 18-29 voted in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. Think about the transformative power youth have if more young people worldwide can get out and vote.   

And, whether or not you are old enough to vote in your country, you can still offer support to the best candidates for ocean and climate action by sharing information on social media.  

Using both your vote and your voice will help to elect political candidates that represent your values, and who have a plan to address the issues that matter to you (such as a healthy ocean and a stable climate, environmental justice and many other connected issues). Elected officials are meant to work for the people, and sometimes they need to be reminded of this! Therefore, it also helps to contact your elected officials, no matter where they are on the political spectrum, and voice your thoughts and opinions.  

For politicians who have already been elected, let them know that you want them to address these issues in meaningful ways. The choices they make – or fail to make – in deciding public policy have major implications for the future of our planet. Remember, too, that for politicians doing a good job and moving in a positive direction, sending a short thank-you helps reinforce their commitment to push forward even harder.  

You can multiply your impact by sharing information and other tangible ways to take action with your friends, family, at your school or place of work, and with members of other communities you’re a part of. Let them know that the future is counting on them, and to make their voices heard.   

Social Media and Politics?!

You can be civically engaged no matter where you are located. Actions that may seem small at the time can still create a significant impact, regardless of where you live!   

The majority of Generation Z are already using social media on a daily basis, and therein lies a ton of potential to spread the word! TikTok can be used for more than funny cat videos; It can be harnessed as a powerful personal platform to promote the politicians and issues you care most about, and spread fact-checked information to peers. Let your friends know where you stand and why. 

Don’t underestimate how powerful the voice of a young person can be! You have the power to enact tangible real-world change, just by using your voice and enthusiasm to engage others, and make sure they show up at the polls to vote. And if you’re not yet eligible to vote, you can still play an important role in the political process, too. You don’t need to be of legal voting age to get yourself informed and educated on the issues, or to educate those around you; Even if you can’t vote yourself, you can still make sure those around you do.  

Get Educated, Stay Informed: Think Locally, Act Globally!

Being an informed voter means listening to the candidates, reading about their platforms, determining whose positions most align with your values and beliefs, and making sure you look at which ballot measures might be up for a vote in your local community. It is crucial to remember that local elections can be every bit as important as the larger national ones. Local elections can determine things like how much you’ll pay in sales tax when you go to the store, or how well your school district is funded. Don’t let yourself get left out of these important decisions that affect you directly! 

This is especially important to remember regarding the many historically marginalized groups who have long been ignored, discouraged, or left out of political processes entirely, despite the fact that they are often the ones most affected by the decisions politicians make. Far too often, policy decisions benefit the wealthy and powerful, leaving everyone else behind. 

If we truly want to make change, we must stand in solidarity with the communities who are disproportionately impacted by certain policy choices. We need to take back our power and make sure ALL of our voices heard, and voting makes a great starting point for doing just that. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while politicians make decisions benefiting others and hurting our communities. 

We CAN create a better future!  

Intergenerational Approach: Bringing People of All Ages Together

While most of this blog post is primarily focused on youth-specific engagement within civics, civic engagement is a collective effort that does not fall on any one particular age group. No matter your age, you can play an important role in shaping our political landscape. Adults can provide youth with education and guidance, while youth in turn can provide their own unique perspectives, and even influence their parent’s political ideals. 

Parents themselves also have a vital role to play in encouraging critical thinking skills. Parents can model how to be active citizens by creating safe spaces in which to hold open political discussions, educating their children (and themselves!) on the processes of local and national politics, volunteering for causes they care about, and VOTING. Such guidance can allow a child to feel safe and supported in their beliefs, while also feeling empowered to think for themselves, and understanding how to act for the benefit of their community. 

Start Now & Think Big

Once you have become an informed voter who deeply cares about the issues, consider running for local office one day! There are young people serving on city councils and national legislatures all over the world, with more and more members of Gen Z being elected every year. Who better to represent the needs of a community, than a member from that community every elected official, in any country, was once a young person themselves, so why not start now?! 

Call to Action

The decisions you make today will influence the future. Ensure you are always looking at accurate information, especially when such information could influence your or someone else’s perspective. Vote when elections happen, engage your communities and the people around you, and involve yourself in any other actions as you see fit. Remember to stay engaged outside of major election years as well! Everybody, especially youth, must come together to address the challenges our society is facing. Young people bring new ideas, new perspectives, and creative solutions. Furthermore, today’s youth are tomorrow’s voters, politicians, and potential world leaders. The time to get engaged with the world is now. 

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