Imagine an area that covers nearly 71% of our planet: That’s our one world ocean. It’s so vast that all the continental land masses (and more) would fit within just the Pacific Ocean. Then think about 2/3 of that world ocean: That’s the High Seas, an area beyond the jurisdiction of any country. Currently, the High Seas are not protected or managed for sustainable use, but the conservation of this vast area is of critical importance and it IS within reach!
In the last two years, nations of the world have agreed to protect and conserve the High Seas. To be legally binding and meaningful, however, the High Seas Treaty must be ratified by at least 60 countries.
Countries that ratify the Treaty will be able to participate and make decisions on how to protect and conserve the rich diversity of life and marine resources of the High Seas. The Treaty’s entry into force also offers a path to achieve the goals of 30×30 – protecting at least 30% of the world ocean (and lands) by 2030.
Once the Treaty is ratified, countries will be able to work together to protect special ocean areas in the High Seas. Additionally, ratification of the Treaty will provide a chance to reduce inequality by supporting developing and landlocked countries, providing fair rules for sharing the benefits of new scientific discoveries in the High Seas, such as marine genetic resources.
Currently, 15 countries have ratified the Treaty. The goal is to have 60 counties ratify the Treaty in time for World Ocean Day and the 3rd UN Ocean Conference in June. We’re continuing our collaboration with the High Seas Alliance and its diverse members around the world to achieve this goal. Together, with your help, we can get this done!
The Ocean Needs Your Voice!
You can help in 3 minutes!
Ask your national leaders to ratify the High Seas Treaty now! Click here to see if your country has ratified the Treaty. If yes, that’s awesome and please thank your national leaders for taking positive action. If not yet, click here and that will allow you to create a quick message to your national leaders urging them to ratify the Treaty as soon as possible.
You can multiply your impact in 1 minute!
Please forward this information to your family, friends and colleagues so they can add their voices to protecting our world ocean. Post on social media, too! Together we can get this done!