Invest in Ocean Health, Not Deep-Sea Mining

Advocates for deep seabed mining (DSM) claim it promises a gilded, sustainable future chock full of electric vehicles, but at what cost? Between breakthroughs in new battery technology, technical risks, […]

Help Protect Our One World Ocean

Last year, the world’s nations agreed to protect and conserve a huge part of our blue planet when they agreed to a High Seas Treaty. To have it enter into […]

February Resources: Environmental Justice

*You may also be interested in reading our February blog post on environmental justice.* We list some EJ resources below, and please let us know if you suggest additional resources, […]

February Focus: Environmental Justice

👉Find the list of resources here!👈 Each month in 2024, we shine a spotlight on some of the intersectional issues facing our one shared ocean and climate, provide tools and […]

January Focus: Ocean & Climate Literacy

With the World Ocean Day 2024 Action Theme: Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate, this year we are providing our partners and friends with ways to help protect our ocean […]