NEW Resources for World Ocean Day 2023

Check out all of the NEW resources and opportunities to help you prepare for your World Ocean Day celebrations.

As we get closer to 8 June, here are some exciting new resources and guidance for promoting World Ocean Day and your specific plans to celebrate.

How will you celebrate our blue planet this World Ocean Day?

Whether we live on the coast or far inland, we all need a healthy ocean to survive and thrive, and anyone can celebrate and take action for our ocean on and around 8 June!

Every year, more and more people from around the world are joining in on the annual World Ocean Day celebrations. Get inspiration for your own celebration this year and don’t forget to submit your event, activity, or conservation-related activities to the Events Calendar and World Map on the World Ocean Day website. Submit yours today!

NEWLY RELEASED: The 2023 Social Media Toolkit & Graphics

Download the 2023 Social Media Toolkit!

No matter what your celebration plans are, be sure to spread the word to your online network with this year’s social media assets.

Sharing why you care about protecting our blue planet is a great way to celebrate. The more people, the better as far as encouraging involvement both online and during any other activities!

Why do you care about protecting our lands, waters, and ocean?

Recently, world leaders committed to protect 30% of our lands, waters, and oceans by 2030, also known as “30×30.” This was a huge victory and worth celebrating! Now that this goal has been set, together we can make sure that our national leaders follow through on their commitments.

For World Ocean Day, you’re encouraged to take action by sharing why you support 30×30. At×30 click the “take action” button to select your top 3 reasons why you want to protect our lands, waters, and ocean. Then, spread the word to your networks, and incorporate this “30×30 action” into your plans. Check out these additional ideas and resources to help you incorporate an action.

Looking for more training and support?

Join the virtual Advocacy Training series for youth!

Leading up to World Ocean Day, youth from around the world are invited to join a free 4-week virtual advocacy training series designed for who are looking to make a positive impact. The training will take place between from 29 April – 20 May and the content will build upon and refine existing advocacy skills and encourage strengthened collaborative conservation action – locally, nationally, and globally. Learn more and pre-register here!