Charting the Path Forward: Balancing Conservation and Development in the North Sea
By Belinda Ng, Lotta Baalerud, and Louisa Hoy As alumni of the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council, we are passionate about raising awareness of the ocean’s most pressing threats […]
A beach cleanup activity
On June 8, 2024, in celebration of World Ocean Day, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, conducted a beach cleanup activity. […]
Biociudadanos en acción
La asociación AVANFUER cumple 20 años de voluntariado medioambiental. Como celebración del día mundial de los Océanos, celebraremos una limpieza de playa y caracterización de la basura marina recogida en […]
World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup
For World Oceans Day, Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens is doing a cleanup at New Smyrna Beach in recognition of this exciting day. We will have staff and volunteers […]
UN Ocean Decade ‘Tides of Tomorrow: World Ocean Day Celebrations’
The event aims to address the lack of exposure and understanding among the youth regarding the problems affecting our oceans. As the future leaders of our society, it is crucial […]
Dia Mundial dos Oceanos: o mar invadiu o Nupem
O evento mais aguardado do ano chegou!!!! O DIA MUNDIAL DOS OCEANOS! A data oficializada pela ONU celebra no dia 08 de Junho a conservação dos oceanos e toda […]
World Ocean Day Celebration at the Greensboro Science Center
World Ocean Day is an internationally celebrated day for people everywhere to unite, celebrate and take action for our shared blue planet. The GSC invites guests of all ages to […]
World Ocean Day for Schools
World Ocean Day for Schools is collaborating with Dr Pamela Buchan, Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, to run a world-first, global experiment to capture data around marine identity, […]
Celebrate World Oceans Day with Heal the Bay Aquarium
On World Oceans Day people around the globe come together to honor our oceans, which cover over 70% of Earth’s surface and sustain a large diversity of marine animal species. Explore […]
Get the family and community together for a beach clean up for World Ocean Day June 8TH at our favorite local family beach
Qingdao Blue Valley Beach Cleanup Event
This is a Marine Environmental Salon and Beach Cleanup Event in the Blue Valley of Qingdao, China. The event starts at 9:00 AM Beijing time and is designed for middle […]
Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition
Welcome to Moku’s first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]