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Dear National Leaders,
As members of the World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council, we are dedicated to protecting our planet and people. Our one ocean not only connects us all, but also helps to stabilize our climate.
Together, we are calling on you to commit to the global goal to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030 (30×30), respect and uphold the rights and contributions of Indigenous peoples and local communities, and ensure conservation measures are adequately financed.
The top scientists in the world say we need to keep half of the planet in its natural state in order to prevent the extinction of more than one million species, stay below a 1.5°C rise in average global temperature, and safeguard all people that rely on nature to survive and thrive—that’s all of us.
We can start by protecting at least 30% of the planet by 2030. But it is not enough to just have scientists and youth leaders call for action. Time is running out. Over 100 countries have already endorsed this goal, but we need all nations to come together this year and commit to ambitious conservation action at the upcoming UN Convention on Biodiversity COP15 Summit in December in Montreal, Canada.
We are champions for the planet. We are safeguarding our future. Are you with us?
Adeyemi Akanbi, Nigeria
Ajay Sawant, India
Akhilesh Anilkumar, India
Anika Shethia, United States
Anya Francesca Granados, Philippines
Anya-Marie Hilaire, Saint Lucia
Arwen Revere, United States
Bodhi Patil, Canada
Caitlin Turner, Scotland
Dali Raddaoui, Tunisia
Doreen Kaijage, Tanzania
Favour Ayedun, Nigeria
Fotios Kotzakioulafis, Greece
Frank Chen, China
Grace Westgarth, England
Jasmine Rodman, Canada
Lotta Baalerud, Norway
Manar Elkebir, Tunisia
María Paz Dakota Ormeño Vasquez, Peru
Matsobane Malebatja, South Africa
Myah Iyanla Greene, The Bahamas
Rada Pandeva, Bulgaria
Sena Chang, Japan
Stephanie Hung, Hong Kong
Tom Ogalo, Kenya
Ying Rui Neoh, Malaysia