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ANNOUNCEMENT: Illustration Contest “what the Ocean means to me?”

As part of the EducOceano Pedagogical Program and the celebration of World Ocean Day, ASPEA launches a challenge to 1st cycle schools, an illustration contest under the theme “What the Ocean means to me”. The Ocean is a source of Life, it plays a key role in regulating the climate and combating climate change, it […]

Exploring the World of Manta & Devil Rays with the Manta Trust- Secondary

Celebrate World Ocean Day and join Jen, Education Manager at The Manta Trust for an exciting and informative live talk about manta and devil rays (collectively known as mobulids). Manta and devil rays are beautiful, gentle, and charismatic creatures that are greatly threatened by overfishing, irresponsible tourism, and the impacts of the climate crisis. This […]

All Blue 101 Workshop – UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 803 S College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403, Wilmington, NC, United States

With this workshop, attendees will be able to gain a better understanding of what the Blue Economy is and why it is important to promote ocean conservation into business practices. This event aims to provide a more comprehensive overview of how to utilize ocean resources for economic growth in a sustainable manner. It also addresses […]

World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup with PBC Parks

Ocean Reef Park 3860 North Ocean Drive Riviera Beach, FL, United States

Join Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation for the Annual World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup! Hosted at Ocean Reef Park, enjoy this free and family-friendly event while giving back to the community!   Learn more here   

Rock The Ocean x Sea Turtle Adventures Beach Cleanup

Gulfstream Pack, FL 4489 N Ocean Blvd, Delray Beach, FL, United States

JOIN US FOR A ROCK THE OCEAN x SEA TURTLE ADVENTURES BEACH CLEANUP ON WORLD OCEANS DAY! FREE PARKING Sea Turtle education activities All supplies provided Wear Reef-Friendly Sunscreen! For questions/registration, contact: lexie@seaturtleadventures.com   Learn more here 

Ocean Care Brazil – World Oceans Day 2023

Porto da Barra Porto da Barra, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Beach clean up organized by Ocean Care Brazil Project in June 08th, 2023. We will be cleaning Porto da Barra's beach in Bahia/ Brazil - from 09 A.M to 11:30 A.M. Join us to protect the oceans! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oceancarebr   Learn more here 

Ask a Marine Biologist – Professor at James Cook University

Dr Chris Gillies, Founder of Seafood Positive will be available for free 1:1 Zoom consultations with chefs, restaurant owners and members of the food service industry across Australia. This is a chance to ask anything! Go wild, let loose! Chris is an Associate Professor at James Cook University, has published over 50 scientific papers and […]

SDG Disrupter Summit: World Ocean Day

Bermuda College 21 Stonington Ave, Bermuda, Bermuda

BridgingTheGap Ventures has partnered with Bermuda Asset Management to unite thought leaders, oceanographers, sustainability experts, youth activists, creators and impact investors from around the world for an inspired blue economy experience. With a mission rooted in access and inclusion, BridgingTheGap’s programming at SDG Disrupter Summit: World Ocean Day Edition will focus on meaningful discussions and […]

World Ocean Day Celebration

North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores 1 Roosevelt Blvd,, Pine Knoll Shores, NC, United States

The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores is celebrating World Ocean Day! This event is free to the public with purchase of an admission ticket. The event will showcase diverse ocean habitats, introduce visitors to various conservation issues, and empower them to participate in protecting the environment. Throughout the day, there will be live […]

World Ocean Day with Ocean Literacy

Garopaba central’s beach Garopaba central’s beach, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

IMMC will be with its stand - with the Mini Museum of the Sea and Marine 'Trash' - showing people the importance of not dumping trash in the streets, squares and on the beach. A beach cleaning will also be carried out with the participation of students from municipal schools who are carrying out the […]

“Haus des Meeres,”, installation at Austria’s largest Aqua Terra Zoo

Haus des Meeres Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria

On World Ocean Day 2023, Austria's largest Aqua Terra Zoo, the "Haus des Meeres," highlights the escalating pollution of our oceans with a captivating installation. In the park, a stunning mural depicts an underwater landscape, adorned strategically with plastic waste that visitors can remove. Behind it, a QR code leads to a landing page, raising […]

World Ocean Day At The Waikiki Aquarium

Waikiki Aquarium 2777 Kalākaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI, United States

We are shell-ebrating World Ocean Month throughout June with special events highlighting the significance of ocean conservation. Stop by the Aquarium on  World Ocean Day to see special feedings, educational activities, and more! Learn more here 

Kids and the ocean. The message of water purity

Kindergarten no. 23, Bucharest 1 Raduta Gheorghe street, Bucharest, Romania

On  8 June, World Ocean Day, the #apecurateasumate (assumed clean waters) team will meet with the children from Kindergarten no. 23, from Bucharest, Romania. Why with them? Because, for over two years, they supported the cleanliness of water and inner emotions. They regularly participated to the information and awareness events "Assumed clean waters". What will […]

Primer Festival de Divulgación de las Ciencias del Océano y la Atmósfera del DOF

Con gusto los invitamos a seguir la transmisión en vivo en nuestras Redes Sociales (Facebook and YouTube) del Primer Festival de Divulgación de las Ciencias del Océano y la Atmósfera, organizado por el Departamento de Oceanografía Física del CICESE,  motivo: ¡Celebración de 50 años de investigación y docencia de Oceanografía Física en CICESE! El programa […]

Celebrating World Oceans Day

Education Room, The Wetlands Centre Cockburn 184 Hope Rd, Bibra Lake WA 6163, Bibra Lake, Australia

You are invited to our World Oceans Day event! This day is about celebrating our beautiful oceans and waterways, and aims to unite us to protect and conserve these precious ecosystems. We will be joined by guest speakers for presentations on their current work in their specialist fields around Western Australia. Guest presenters include: - […]

Mapping Microplastics to Advance Ocean Health Webinar

From streams to rivers and oceans, ocean micro-plastics are human-made hazard impacting ocean health and the food we eat globally. During this interactive livestream, Esri and NOAA will discuss ocean health and illuminate the prominent threat of ocean micro-plastics. By pinpointing where ocean micro-plastics are coming from and where they are going, we can better […]

Reefs Go Live: 25 Years of Coral Reef Research

The Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) has been conducting innovative research and education in the Cayman Islands for 25 years, and this Reefs Go Live broadcast will communicate to viewers how human actions have compounding impacts, both positive and negative. We’ll share everyday examples and insights from our scientific research and conservation work over the […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Youth Poster Contest, “Wind Ship – The Future” Launch

The Youth Poster Contest, with the theme of "Wind Ship - The Future" will launch it's public voting campaign on World Ocean Day. We will have a virtual launch event with a presentation about the exciting wind propulsion developments in shipping by the Secretary General of the International Windship Association, interviews with a number of […]

One Ocean, One Climate, One Future – Together

The Marine Institute’s Explorers Education Programme are delighted to present a special ‘One Ocean, One Climate, One Future – Together’ Webinar to celebrate World Ocean Day 2022, in collaboration with Galway Education Centre This one-hour webinar is designed for students from 8-12 years of age and will provide classes with a range of facts and […]

Conferencia: Protección de los Oceanos

Antel Arena, Montevideo (Sala Carpincho) entre José P. Varela y José Serrato, Av Damaso A. Larrañaga S/N, 12000 Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Uruguay's Environment Ministry will be sharing its vision and routemap for ocean protection, including a special announcement for marine protected areas. Presenters will include the Environment Minister, DINARA, DINABISE, Mar Azul Uruguayo and Karumbé.

Eco action tim 8 UPSHIFT Workshops!

Zlarin Island Otok Zlarin, Sunčana obala 3, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Eco action of Team 8 UPSHIFT, UNICEF workshops! Do you want to express yourself artistically or enjoy concerts, workshops, but also want to educate yourself about our environment and clean up together with the community? Then you are at the right place where you can join our adventure. Learn more here

Perdido Key World Ocean Day Open House 2023

Perdido Key Community Center 15500 Perdido Key Drive, Pensacola, FL, United States

Thursday, June 8, 2023, will be a day of environmentally focused games, activities, and art projects at the Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitor's Center. The Chamber along with multiple partner agencies will be presenting information on protecting our beaches and marine habitat in conjunction with World Ocean Day. The open house will […]

Celebrate Ocean Day at the MAS!

Museum of Arts and Sciences 4182 Forsyth Road, Macon, GA, United States

Join the Museum of the Arts and Sciences celebrating World Ocean Day including crafts, story time, and more! Learn more here   

Important Ocean Inhabitants at LC. Bates Museum

L.C.Bates Museum, Marine Biology Gallery 14 Easler Rd, Fairfield, ME, United States

Take a guided Ocean Life tour and participate in hands-on activities in the L C. Bates Museum Marine Biology Gallery. Learn about amazing and varied sealife species and how they depend on well cared for ocean spaces. From a marlin caught by Hemmingway to a cone snail and from a giant clam to a starfish […]

World Ocean Day at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 10th St. & Constitution Ave., NW, WA, United States

Thursday, June 8, 2023, is World Ocean Day, a global celebration of our ocean — and you can celebrate with the National Museum of Natural History! Join artists and ocean scientists in the Sant Ocean Hall for an exciting series of interactive experiences celebrating our blue planet and exploring all the ways art, science, and community […]

World Ocean Wonders

Museum of Coastal Carolina 21 E 2nd St Ocean Isle Beach, NC, United States

Join us from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in Town Center Park for a recycled ocean craft and activities about ocean gyres. Ocean focused activities will be available all day in every gallery, Shark Smarts will start at 11:00 am in the Learning Center, a Sea Turtle Virtual Reality program will be offered at 1:00 […]

World Ocean Day exhibition – Esperance

Cannery Arts Centre Norseman Rd, Esperance, Western Australia, Esperance, Western Australia, Australia

From Thursday 8th June to Monday 19th June, the Cannery Arts Centre hosted an incredible exhibition that showcases the beauty and importance of our oceans The exhibition had a variety of sections, from DPRID - Fisheries Department showing sustainable fishing practices through interactive games, colouring and educational resources, mesmerizing diversity of seaweed and marine life […]

Summer School on “Climate Change and Role of Ocean”

Online Summer School on “Climate Change and Role of Ocean” (on World Environment Day, 05th June 2023 #BeatPlasticPollution & World Ocean Day, 08th June 2023) to be organized by the GLOBAL SCIENCE ACADEMY (GSA), Basti (Uttar Pradesh) India. Students looking to make waves in the world of ocean sustainability are encouraged to participate. This will […]

Hall of Ocean at RSCP Calicut

Regional Science Centre and Planetarium Calicut Regional Science Centre and Planetarium Calicut, Jafferkhan Colony,, Kerala, India

Regional Science Centre & Planetarium  Calicut (RSCPC) joins the global celebration to make the people aware of the importance of Ocean and impact on our lives. There is a gallery titled ‘Hall of Ocean’ at its campus to educate one and all on ocean science. On June 8, 2023 this centre will organise special guided […]


Istituto Tecnico per il Turismo “Cristoforo Colombo” VIA PANISPERNA, ROMA, Italy

Il mare costituisce un prezioso scrigno di biodiversità, per difenderlo e proteggerlo nel miglior modo possibile è importante imparare a conoscerlo avendo consapevolezza del valore eco-sistemico delle aree naturali protette e della corretta fruizione dell’ambiente marino-costiero. A questi temi sono dedicati l’evento e la mostra fotografica sulle Aree protette d’Italia “La Difesa del Mare”, con […]

Celebrating the World Ocean Day through Webinar on 8th June – CIRDAP

The title and topic of the webinar is "“Planting mangroves for multiple benefits”. As a part of CIRDAP Team of Excellence and Expert, Prof. Poh Poh Wong, Visiting Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia provided the presentation. Almost 30 people around the Asia-Pacific region joined the webinar. It was […]

Sharks Educational Institute Coastal Marine Cleanup

Praia do Magoito Beach Praia do Magoito, São João das Lampas, Portugal

Due to human activity, global warming, overfishing and plastic pollution have put out ocean in great danger. Science taught us that sharks play a vital role in maintaining the marine balance and the health of the ocean waters across the entire planet. However, between 63 and 273 million sharks still being killed annually and research […]

Aigéan Amháin, Aeráid Amháin, Todhchaí Amháin – Le Chéile

Tá áthas an domhain ar an gClár ‘Explorers Education Fhoras na Mara’ seimineár greasáin speisialta "Aigéan Amháin, Aeráid Amháin, Todhchaí Amháin - Le Chéile" a chur i láthair chun Lá Domhanda an Aigéin 2023 a cheiliúradh, in éineacht le hIonad Oideachais Dhún na nGall. Tá an seimineár greasáin seo deartha do mhic léinn idir 8- […]

World Ocean Day Hike at the Gibson Woods!

6201 Parrish Avenue Hammond IN 46324 6201 Parrish Avenue, Hammond, IN, United States

All ages It’s World Oceans Day! If you are wondering why oceans are relevant to living in a landlocked state, come out for this walk and talk hike to learn why oceans are important to us even out in Gibson Woods. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED; call 219-844-3188.   Learn more here 

Hidden Treasures of Norfolk’s Secret Sea (Cley Calling)

NWT Cley Marshes Visitor Centre Cley Marshes Visitor Centre, Coast Road, Cley next the Sea, United Kingdom

Norfolk is often thought of as a haven for wildlife but it doesn't stop at the coast. It's easy to assume that the North Sea is inhospitable.  It is in fact a huge and complex wilderness under constant human pressure. Beneath its surface, thousands of amazing species live lives very different from our own. Rob […]

Beach Clean-Up At The Idle Rocks Hotel

The Idle Rocks Tredenham Road, St Mawes, Truro, United Kingdom

A clean-up of the St Mawes beaches and nearby coves using only eco-friendly and biodegradable materials (bags, gloves). The local community and primary school have been invited to take part. Our sister hotel the St Mawes Hotel will host three ocean-focused documentaries in her luxury 25-seat cinema, free entry, for anybody who wishes to learn […]

Presentation of the movie “The North Drift”

Union Theater Illingen Hauptstraße 88, Illingen, Germany

We will show the movie "The North Drift" about the distribution of plastic from rivers into the see and to costal areas. After the movie we will talk about the plastic pollution and what everybody could do to improve the situation. A first action is then a joint garbage collection along the small river "Ill" […]

Event Series Water&Movies


Water&Movies Koepelplein 1E, Haarlem, Haarlem, Netherlands

Short films illuminating humanity’s relationship with water, from exploring the beauty of the oceans to the search for clean water. Our partners are ShortsTV, Ziggo TV, Nieuws.nl and UN Women, and  we intend to raise awareness of UN Sustainable Development goals 6 & 14 around access to clean water + ocean conservation in the following […]

Enhancing Africa’s Role in International Ocean Governance and the BBNJ Treaty

Conference Room 7 , South Africa

The agreement reached in March to protect marine biodiversity in the High Seas is a triumph for global cooperation. The treaty provides a legal framework for safeguarding the waters beyond national jurisdictions, which make up 60% of the world’s oceans. The benefits for Africa are immense, as the continent is disproportionately affected by maritime and […]

World Ocean Day: Octopuses

Gwinnett County Public Library- Dacula Branch 265 Dacula Road, Dacula, GA, United States

Join us for Dacula’s sixth annual World Ocean Day program! This year we will be focused on Cephalopods: Octopuses and squid. Learn Ocean based Sustainability facts and have fun for the afternoon! Participants will get a passport to encourage visiting and participating with each educational station. Learn more here 

BEACH CLEAN at Clover Point!

Clover Point Park 1250 Dallas Rd, Victoria, BC V8V 1C4, Victoria, Canada

Gwaii Engineering is joining forces with Open Ocean Robotics and Pacific Seaweed Industry Association to host a BEACH CLEAN in honour of World Ocean Day! ⁠ ⁠ Join us on Thursday, June 8th from 3pm-5pm (drop by anytime!) ⁠ ☀️ All ages welcome⁠ 💬 Industry experts will be delivering talks on ocean, conservation and biology⁠ […]

World Ocean Day – Wildlife Institute of India

Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India Wildlife Institute of India, Wildlife Institute Rd, Chandrabani, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, Uttarakhand, India

The day is a celebration to raise awareness of the vast oceans connecting us. It gives us a chance to appreciate the ocean's benefits and reminds us to use its resources sustainably. This is the first time we will celebrate World Ocean Day at the Wildlife Institute of India for its researcher and students community. […]

Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing

Dive into the wonders of our oceans as we commemorate World Ocean Day at College of fisheries science, gumla, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi. This event aims to raise awareness about the importance of our marine ecosystems, promote ocean conservation, and inspire individuals to take action for a sustainable future. https://forms.gle/S9vDdch6fp5dZayX8   Learn more here 

World Ocean’s Day – Help FivePoint Clean Our River

945 General Ave NE, Calgary AB Canada 945 General Ave, NE, Calgary, Canada

Join us for World Ocean Day on Thursday, June 8th, 2023 for trash collection along the Bow river. All rivers lead to the ocean and FivePoint is committed to environmental wellness that starts in our community. We will meet inside the FivePoint Gallery at 4:00pm. As a group we will walk down 9th St NE […]

Sunflower Star Laboratory World Ocean Day Celebration

Other Brother Beer Co. 877 Broadway Ave, Seaside, CA, Seaside, CA, United States

Sunflower Star Laboratory World Oceans Day Celebration - Come celebrate with us! Learn about our local marine ecosystem and how we're creating the community and skills to restore an endangered species. Storytelling session themed “The World’s your Ocean” Featuring local artists, sunflower star info & merch. Learn more here!

WA World Ocean Day

Gage Roads Peter Hughes Dr, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia

Western Australians are, in many ways, an ocean and coastally-oriented community, with a deep, multilayered history of connection to the coast over millennia. Yet much of what the ocean and coast provide to us is invisible and undervalued. Also partially obscured are many profound changes in ocean health, some of which are manifestations of global […]

Celebrating Canada’s leadership role in Ocean Literacy

National Film Board 1501 Rue de Bleury, Montréal, QC, Canada

Celebrate World Ocean Day with Ocean School! We have organized a panel discussion on "Celebrating Canada's leadership role in Ocean Literacy" featuring experts and leaders in the field of ocean conservation. During the panel discussion, our distinguished speakers will explore the significance of ocean literacy, its impact on environmental stewardship, and how Canada's efforts have […]

Blue Up 2024!

Esplanade Solidarnosc 60 Rue Wiertz, Bruxelles, Belgium

Join us for the official disclosure and handover of the "It's Bluedy Time Europe" consultation results to the European Parliament President Ms Metsola (to be confirmed) with the presence of key Ocean Members of the European Parliament, representatives from political parties, representatives from the EurOcean's Youth network, NGO members from the Blue Up 2024! coalition […]

Saving Our Seas: Protecting Our Oceans for Future Generations

University of Exeter University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9FE, Penryn, United Kingdom

More than two-thirds of our planet is covered by ocean, but until recently only 1% of the high seas, which lie outside national control and make up 61% of the ocean's area, were protected. In March 2023, after more than a decade of negotiations, the United Nations High Seas Treaty was agreed to protect areas […]


Foenander Galleries 455 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand

Cathy Carter’s small series of six limited-edition works will be launched on World Ocean Day – with 20% of each sale to being donated to Sustainable Coastlines to support their conservation programme.  This unique series of works is larger edition size  – of 30 – with a very collectible price point: edition: 1 – 10     $550 edition: 11 – 20   $600 […]

World Ocean Day Celebration

Sir Peter Blake Marine Education & Recreation Centre 1045 Beach Road, Torbay, Auckland, New Zealand

Join us for an engaging evening celebration of World Ocean Day! This event is about connecting with our community, listening to one another and learning about fascinating research & restoration efforts taking place in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. Everyone that is interested in learning more about their big blue backyard is invited. Join us […]

Beach cleanup

iceland , Iceland

Hello everyone! To celebrate World Ocean's Day we will spend some time giving back to nature, cleaning the Icelandic Coastline as we do on a regular basis. After the cleanup we will enjoy together some snacks and discuss about the marine litter we have found and how we can fight against it. Learn more here 

Viewing of Gigantes de Valdes with Miguel Iniguez

TBL Cinemas Lalla Rookhweg 79, Suriname

Whale expert Miguel Iniguez will introduce this film he brought with him from Argentina during this celebration of World Ocean Day by GHFS. This event is linked to the celebration of  Environmental Week in Suriname organized together with the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suwama, the IDB and other green organizations. Free event. Learn […]

Sustainable Seafood Special – Fundraiser for Rock The Ocean

1 Hotel Nashville 710 Demonbreun St, Nashville, TN, United States

Celebrate World Oceans Day by ordering the sustainable seafood specials being served at 1 Kitchen & Harriet's Rooftop located at the 1 Hotel in downtown Nashville, TN. 100% of proceeds will be donated to Rock The Ocean Foundation to support leading groups in marine conservation research and education. About the Menu Items: 1 Kitchen: Savor […]

Rock The Ocean World Ocean Day Fundraiser at Honeytree Meadery

Honeytree Meadery, Nashville, TN 918 Woodland St, Nashville, TN, United States

Sip for a Cause! Support saving the bees and protecting the ocean by grabbing a drink at Honeytree Meadery on June 8th! For every drink purchased, a portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Rock The Ocean Foundation to support ocean conservation awareness, education, and leading research. Let's join forces this World Oceans […]

Bellaire Bayou Cleanup

5100 Maple St, Bellaire, TX 77401 5100 Maple St, Bellaire, TX, United States

We will be picking up litter and recyclables from the small bayou next to Bellaire High School in Bellaire, Texas. Learn more here 

World Ocean Day Stroll

David Traylor Zoo 75 Soden Rd, Emporia, KS, United States

Come stroll through Emporia's David Traylor Zoo where we'll have representatives sharing, games, activities and conversation about what we can do to help save our world Ocean. We may be land locked in Kansas, but every river leads to the Ocean.  Come learn what we can do right here in our own community.   Learn […]

Harmony & Melody Celebrate Worlds Oceans Day

Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church 3815 Hanapepe RD. Hanapepe, Hi, 96716, Hanapepe, HI, United States

Storybook Theatre’s Inflatable Marine Animals Will be set up and open for children and parents to come inside and visit.  Ocean Story Sharing and Storytelling! Fun for the Whole Family! Ocean Magic .. On World Oceans Day! Thursday & Friday June 8th & 9th 5:30 - 7:30 pm on the Front Lawn of Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational […]

Art Exhibition: ‘Into the Deep’ @ Noordhoek Art Point

Noordhoek Art Point 16 Noordhoek Main Road,, Noordhoek, South Africa

Join us as we explore the depths of Into the Deep, where beauty meets fragility and awareness sparks action. Let us appreciate, protect, and restore the wondrous realm that shapes our planet’s destiny. Participating artists: Michelle Beattie Leigh Bisset Tuesday Houston Jared Kruger Aimee Lindeque  Taryn Morton Daniel Mundell Stefan Olivier Tori Stowe Clea Witte  […]

Invitation: Screening of the Short Documentary “Saving Poros”

Syggrou Building Papadopoulou street, Poros, Greece

Katheti invites you to the screening of the mini-documentary “Saving Poros” by independent journalist and documentarist Francesco De Augustinis, on Thursday, 8th June 2023, at 6 pm at the municipal building, Syggrou. In 9 minutes, director Francesco De Augustinis outlines the severe threat posed by the plan to drastically expand the industrial fish farms on Poros island through revelatory […]

Community-Supported Conservation Goals for Scalloped Hammerhead

The Museum of Science and Discovery in Ft. Lauderdale, USA, will be hosting the FREE 2023 Save Our Seas Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Save Our Seas Foundation. This features scientists, conservationists, researchers and educators who will share their passion for our oceans in programs designed for Museum guests of all ages. Dr. Kelly Kingon […]

Community-Supported Conservation Goals for Scalloped Hammerhead

The Museum of Science and Discovery in Ft. Lauderdale, USA, will be hosting the FREE 2023 Save Our Seas Distinguished Speaker Series, presented by the Save Our Seas Foundation. This features scientists, conservationists, researchers and educators who will share their passion for our oceans in programs designed for Museum guests of all ages. Dr. Kelly […]

World Ocean Day: Sustainability, Solutions and Innovation Seminar

Bishop Burton College University Centre Bishop Burton, Bishop Burton College, York Road,, Bishop Burton, Beverley

Join the University Centre Bishop Burton team as we celebrate the role of the oceans in our everyday life. Sustainability, solutions and innovation. World Ocean Day provides a unique opportunity for communities to get involved in their own special ways to celebrate our shared ocean that connects us all! By uniting together, we can significantly […]

World Ocean Day Event

Baldwin Fairchild Funeral Home 7520 Aloma Ave, Winter Park, FL, United States

Free, family-friendly World Ocean Day event sponsored by Neptune Memorial Reef. Learn about the reef ecology and planning, participate in a volunteer project building oyster mats for the oyster reef restoration project, enjoy touch tanks, and more. Beach vibe music by MissingLink Entertainment. Learn more here!

Our Water, Our Future – Clearwater Marine Aquarium panel discussion!

Clearwater Marine Aquarium 249 Windward Passage, Clearwater, FL, United States

Join Ocean Conservancy and Clearwater Marine Aquarium for an evening of exploration and discovery!  Join community members for a panel discussion with local advocacy, science, and policy experts on Florida’s water quality including red tide, harmful algal blooms, and sea level rise.  A reception with light appetizers and refreshments will follow. Learn more here   

World Ocean Day Fundraiser – Los Angeles Surfrider Foundation

The Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles 2433 N Broadway,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

On Thursday June 8th The Adventurers' Club of Los Angeles will be celebrating World Ocean Day with a raffle to raise money for the Los Angeles chapter of the Surfrider Foundation.   Join us on World Ocean Day with world renowned artist Danielle Eubank as she discusses her project "One Artist, Five Oceans" where she […]

Tidal Moon Indigenous Marine Project – Shark Bay WA

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace Fremantle, West Australia, Australia

A bar tak by Tidal Moon, working with Indigenous people in Shark Bay to restore the marine environments by: Studying sea grass and sea cucumbers Planting Sea Grass Establishing a sustainable blue carbon project.   Learn more here   

TAF The Animal Fund beer and ocean quizz evening

TAF ocean beer quizz evening 18 Chem. de Saquier, Nice, France

Join us to celebrate World Ocean day at Blue Coast brewery Nice at 6.30 pm for a fun night with lots of ocean, environment and beer quizzes. First beer and snacks on the house. Learn more here 

Cine-debate Surfrider

Fundación del Parque Cristina Enea Mandasko Dukearen Pasealekua, 66, Donostia, Gipuzkoa

Surfrider España organiza un cine-debate sobre el tema de la protección del mar para el día mundial de los océanos este 8 de junio. Vamos a proyectar tres entrevistas documentales que van a presentar la relación de tres personas con el océano y cómo intentan reducir su impacto sobre el medio ambiente en su día a […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: ‘A Day in the Life of a Sea Moss Farmer’ –

See Mōs LLC is excited to announce the production our new documentary titled, “A Day in the Life of a Sea Moss Farmer.” This doc follows a typical work day of their sea moss farmers, Jervania and Larry. Our aim in the creation of this story is to create awareness of the process of sea […]

Coastwatching Baltic Sea on World Ocean Day June 8 as a citizen science

Komarovo and Sestroretskiye Dunes Sestrotskiy Kurort, St Petersburg, Russian Federation

Observation of the shores of the Baltic Sea on World Ocean Day June 8 and all summer 2023. Participatory monitoring as a citizen science. Coastwatching as a participatory monitoring of nature and biodiversity by scientific experts and local community has been around for many years. This is an international movement and the so-called citizen science. […]

Open Day of the Piran Marine Biology Station (National Institute of Biology)

Marine Biology Station Piran Fornače 41, 6330 Piran - Pirano, Slovenia, Pirano, Slovenia

The annual Open Day (OD) of the Piran Marine Biology Station (National Institute of Biology) is organised as part of cooperative programmes with UNESCO to celebrate World Ocean Day. OD is the main promotional activity of MBP-NIB and is very popular, especially among primary school children. Every year, more than 300 pupils and their teachers […]

World Ocean Day Cleanup – Jaffa, Israel

Midron Jaffa Park, Tel Aviv Jaffa Midron Jaffa Park,, Tel Aviv Jaffa, Israel

World Ocean Day, a day in which the world celebrates the importance of protecting the oceans and all marine animals and organisms, is often celebrated by cleaning a beach as an opportunity to give back, to respect and appreciate what the oceans give us. And this year this day came with perfect timing - we […]

Ask a Marine Biologist – Professor at James Cook University

Dr Chris Gillies, Founder of Seafood Positive will be available for free 1:1 Zoom consultations with chefs, restaurant owners and members of the food service industry across Australia. This is a chance to ask anything! Go wild, let loose! Chris is an Associate Professor at James Cook University, has published over 50 scientific papers and […]

Waikīkī Aquariumʻs World Ocean Month Beach Cleanup

1201 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96814 1201 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI, United States

Join us this June at Ala Moana Beach Park to SHELL-ebrate World Ocean Month and help clean up our coastlines. Bring your friends and family as we take action in keeping our island free of debris. We hope to SEA you there! Event Time: Friday, June 9th, 2023 10 AM – 12 PM Meeting Address: Ala Moana […]

Marine Life Lino Cut Workshop with Celia Ward

Cley Marshes Visitor Centre Cley Marshes Visitor Centre, Coast Road, Coast Rd, Cley next the Sea, Cley next the Sea, United Kingdom

Learn to make Lino Cut Textile designs on our marine life theme ! Draw and cut your own designs with lino to make designs on fabric. A great way to make your own curtains and table cloths – or even decorate your clothes! Bring your own fabric, cotton is best. If you already have drawings […]

A Floating Aquarium (“Tadayou Suizokukan”)

Entô Geo Lounge 1375-1 Fukui, Ama, Oki District, Shimane 684-0404

Marine debris are not the only thing floating in the sea. Various creatures such as seaweed and jellyfish can be found floating, too. Anything that floats will eventually reach somewhere or be eaten by another creature. Through this event and exhibition, you can discover what happens "before and after" the floating. Let's use this opportunity […]

Bridging the divide between our oceans & society: Why should we care?

Trinity College, Oxford Trinity College, Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BH, Oxford, United Kingdom

Panel Summary & Aims The oceans are a mystery, as foreign to us as outer space but crucially intertwined with all life on Earth, playing a pivotal role in climate regulation and food production. Yet there has long been a divide between humans and the world beneath the sea surface — a chasm that is […]

Photo Exhibition: Reefs threatened with extinction

Grüne Sosse und mehr Offenbacher Landstr. 357, Frankfurt, Germany

Diving since 1977 I've seen pristine reefs disappear. The plight of coral reefs has become devastating. Their survival is on a knife edge.The photos show what we still have. Articles underline the multibillion worldwide value of coral reefs to mankind. Plankton, the basic food of everything in the sea is much less dense today. Their […]

El Nido World Ocean Day

El Nido Palawan 6C58+CFQ, El Nido, Palawan, Philippines, El Nido, Philippines

Ten Knots Group, resorts subsidiary of Ayala Land Inc. committed to environment protection and sustainability, will celebrate World Ocean Day in El Nido, Palawan, Philippines. In partnership with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity and the Miss Earth Organization, a series of events for tourism, education, and the environment with the theme Taking Actions Through Conscious […]

The Swimmer – Roger Deakin’s Wild Life, with Patrick Barkham

Cley Marshes Visitor Centre Cley Marshes Visitor Centre, Coast Road, Coast Rd, Cley next the Sea, Cley next the Sea, United Kingdom

Roger Deakin was author of the nature writing classics, Waterlog and Wildwood. But he was also a maverick ad-man, seller of stripped pine furniture, teacher, filmmaker, music promoter and eco-warrior. Today, he lives on as the patron saint of wild swimming. In this illustrated talk, Patrick will bring this great romantic alive, and tell stories […]

St. Pete Ocean Sweep Trash Collection Tournament

L.C.Bates Museum, Marine Biology Gallery 14 Easler Rd, Fairfield, ME, United States

St. Pete Ocean Sweep 8 am - 5 pm, June 10, 2023 We call all Water Warriors, Divers, Boaters, and Beach Lovers to collect trash and debris and win prizes during the annual St. Pete Ocean Sweep Trash Collection Tournament. Participation is free, and all volunteers will have a chance to win various prizes. The […]

Around Seychelles in 18 bays

Seychelles Seychelles, Seychelles

A group of women, including members of Seychelles Women and Sports Association (SWASA) is organising a big event in June, for World Oceans Day to raise funds for charity. Besides being a charity event, the project will be raising awareness on the versatility of  Sseychellois women, the oceans and Liam’s Rainbow Foundation. The event will be […]

Artist Boat World Ocean Day Festival

East Beach Park Pavillion 1923 Boddeker Rd., Galveston, TX, United States

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day on Saturday, June 10th at R. A. Apffel East Beach park in Galveston Texas.  This event is free and open to the public.  We will have non-profit exhibitors with hands on learning and art activities, entertainment, workshops and more.  Spend the day at the beach with us discovering, […]

10th Annual World Oceans Day Event – St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish

St. Francis Xavier University 2320 Notre Dame Avenue, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G 2W5, Antigonish, Canada

The Biology Dept. of St. Francis Xavier University will be hosting their 10th Annual World Oceans Day event this summer. This event promotes ocean education and marine biodiversity. The public can interact with many presenters showcasing their important work on ocean preservation and research. There will be live marine organisms to observe, hold and learn […]

Всемирный день океанов

ул. Пальчевского, 17, Владивосток, Приморский край, 690041 ул. Пальчевского,, 17, Владивосток,, Приморский край

Всемирный день океанов – праздник, который напоминает нам о ключевой роли Мирового океана для каждого на планете. Приморский океанариум приглашает вас присоединиться к празднику и окунуться в мир подводных обитателей через науку и искусство. Узнайте больше здесь English translation:  World Oceans Day is a holiday that reminds us of the key role of the oceans […]