February Resources: Environmental Justice

*You may also be interested in reading our February blog post on environmental justice.* We list some EJ resources below, and please let us know if you suggest additional resources, […]

NEW Resources for World Ocean Day 2023

Check out all of the NEW resources and opportunities to help you prepare for your World Ocean Day celebrations. As we get closer to 8 June, here are some exciting […]

World Ocean Day 2023 Event Planning Toolkit

Get ready for World Ocean Day, 8 June! Each year, World Ocean Day provides a unique opportunity for a wide variety of diverse organizations, schools, businesses, and communities to honor […]

Check out these events!

Throughout the world, thousands of events and activities are happening in June to celebrate our one shared ocean! June has officially arrived and that means World Ocean Day is right […]

Fun and educational materials for kids!

If you are an educator, a parent, or youth programming coordinator, check out these resources and materials specifically designed for engaging kids in efforts to protect our blue planet! It’s […]

8 June is just one month away!

Looking for a way to celebrate and take action for our one shared ocean in June – read on! World Ocean Day, on 8 June, is a special day to […]