Search the World Ocean Day database of conservation-related events, activities, and announcements
on the Events Calendar and World Map.

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Calendar of Events

M Mon

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S Sun

4 events,

Reef Dwellers Art Show by Selva Ozelli

Fundraiser: Big Biking Cleanup


iLab Conservation Fundraising

5 events,


23rd Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture

4 events,

5 events,

Make-it-a-habit Walkathon!

5 events,

6 events,

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Study: More and Better U.S. Marine Protected Areas Needed to Protect Key Ecosystems

7 events,

ANNOUNCEMENT: Soft Launch of the Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP)

8 events,

Our Ocean: Our Past

7 events,

8 events,


World Ocean Day – Oregon State University

8 events,

Prints for Porpoise

8 events,

10 events,

20 events,

I AM WATER: How deep is your love?

Healthy Reefs Virtual Art Exhibition

Live Ocean Winter Dip


Ciné-marin: La Virée du Saint-Laurent – websérie en 3 épisodes

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

#ForPlanetOcean Art Challenge

Pick-up 4 Penguins

Join your local library’s “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program!


Marine and Inland Waters Forum 


Classe de Maître avec Lysanne Richard

21 events,

Seaweed Around The Clock

RfP-IYCF Ocean Day Artwork

Seaweed Days Presented by Cascadia Seaweed

21 events,

Oceans Week Victoria

22 events,